Vegan Toners with Good Price

Vegan Toners;

-Unit: 250ml

-SKU: Peptide/Q10/CICA/Hyaluronate/Black Rice/Aloe


1.Peptide: Contains a complex composed of 4 types of peptides to provide skin improvement and strengthening effects, and complete smooth skin texture with quick and immediate care for the skin.

2.Q10: An elastic solution of ubiquinone, known as coenzyme Q10, gives firmness and vitality to the skin for a long time to make it moist and elastic.

3.CICA: Contains Centella asiatica extract and madecassoside, which help soothe skin tired from external environment, to comfortably soothe the skin, and is absorbed mildly to make dry skin moist and shiny.

4.Hyaluronate: Contains sodium hyaluronate, which strongly draws moisture, making rough, rough skin from the external environment into moist, watery skin.

5.Black Rice: Contains nutrient-rich black rice extract called black pearl, which helps healthy food skin care and makes skin that is tired from external environment clear and confident.

6.Aloe: Contains aloe vera to provide moisture and nutrition to areas that need soothing, making the skin moist and soft. It contains a patented complex that helps improve skin texture, providing health and beauty to the skin. Provides deep hydration with five hyaluronic acid multi-solutions of various sizes and characteristics.

-Purchase Inquiry: +82 10-8898-0258 (Natural Corea)


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